
《戰爭噹噹》War Don Don 
獅子山 Sierra Leone / 2010 / 蕾貝卡.立其曼.柯恩 Rebecca Richman Cohen / 85 min / 普 
In the heart of Freetown, inside the “special court”, Issa Sesay awaits his trial. Is he a war criminal, guilty of heinous crimes against humanity, or a reluctant fighter who played a crucial role in bringing peace to Sierra Leone? This film puts international justice on trial for the world to see-finding that in some cases the past is not just painful, it is also opaque.

06.18(六) 10:00



臺灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 姜秀瓊 /  90 min  / 普 
攝影師李屏賓永遠往前跑,從這個地方到那個地方,從這部電影到那部電影,用生命中的時時刻刻換取影片裡的分分秒秒。一秒24 格,光影流動,片中記錄的是他與台灣電影的淵源情感,他對攝影的思索與投入,多年來豐碩的工作成果,以及長繫心頭的家人親情。如風的節奏,呼應著他作品的特質,也彷彿他生活中不斷旅行、工作的頻 率。 
What can be retained with photography? Where is the cinema leading us? Is there meaning to life after all? Mark LEE goes on the road and tries to answer these questions at a pace of 24 frames per second. We followed his swinging footsteps and gathered the fragments lost between frames to discover the passion he gave to the Taiwanese cinema.

06.18(六) 14:00



《聖與罪》Saint and Sinner  
台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 朱全斌 Bing Chu / 104 min / 普 
陳映真是台灣著名的作家,他的小說從社會主義觀點反映了台灣60 年來社會發展,以及政治、經濟的變化。本片以史料圖像、戲劇、動畫來介紹作家的一生,再現他重要作品中的片段,並且訪問多位不同世代的台灣當代知名文化人物,探討陳映真的人生理念如何落實在文字與行動中,同時強調他在台灣當代文學中不可忽略的文化旗手位置。 
Chen Yinjen is a prominent novelist in Taiwan. His works succeed in reflecting the social, political and economic development in Taiwan during the past 60 years. This film is an attempt to review Chen’s life, to discuss how his ideals of life are implemented in writing and actions, and to demonstrate how indispensable his role is as a helmsman of the cultural development in Taiwan’s modern literature.

06.19(日) 10:00



《大台中紀事3Doc Taichung Ⅲ 
水台中 Aqua Taichung 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 紀文章 Chi Weng-chang / 16 min

遺忘的M2之幕後花絮(第一集)Behind the Scenes of The Forgotten M2Part 1) 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 龍男.以撒克.凡亞思 Lungnan Isak Fangas / 15 min

阿蕊的家庭理髮 My Life-long Hair 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 傅天余 Fu Tien-yu / 15 min

打掃福康Sweeper on Fukang Road 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 王小棣 Wang Shaudi / 15 min

時光.收音機 Time. Radio 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 黃銘正 Huang Mingzheng / 13 min

昔日拼貼 Resampling the Past 
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 馬可.威姆斯 Marco Wilms / 16 min

 2010年第七屆台灣國際紀錄片雙年展《大台中紀事3 翻玩台中》紀錄片由楊力州導演擔任總策劃,邀請6位不同性別.世代.甚至國籍的導演參與拍攝。希望藉由各種不同的觀點,將昔日珍貴的影像資料與當代台中紀實影像加以拼貼.重組.融合,兩者交錯對話,爬梳大台中在時空變遷下所展現的獨特人文風情。 
In the 7th Taiwan International Documentary Festival,2010"Doc. Taichung 3:Fun to Cover", which is planned by the Director Yang Li-Chou, invites six director of different genders, generations and nationalities to participate in the production. With the engagement of different viewpoints, pictorial archives are collaged, reorganized, merged with the present images of Taichung, so as to create dialogues between the two entities, revealing the unique expressions of Taichung in different eras.

06.23(四) 14:00



《迫降前,我愛你》In Case of Loss of Pressure 
比利時 Belgium / 2009 / 莎拉.蒙.荷威 Sarah Moon Howe / 46 min 
How do you cope with being told your child has a handicap? All your dreams shatter in the face. But, very quickly, these feelings give way to others. "In order to stay alive, I filmed about me and my son and I toured with a dance troop. If I wanted to help him, I had to take care of myself ". In case of loss of pressure, air hostesses advise parents to put their own oxygen mask on first, then that of their children.


台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 黃信堯 A-yao Huang / 36 min
我們或許都是植物。植物有根,離不開自己的土地,待不慣異鄉的泥土。大地以不同的樣貌循環出現。100 年前,口湖地區潟湖與濕地交錯,被記錄在史料中,潟湖漸漸消失,良田出現;20 年前,上天決定把它收回,良田消失,濕地再現。旅人視之為美好風景,卻是當地居民的苦難。雖然大地得以休養生息,但離鄉的子弟卻得牢記家鄉的貧瘠。
Kouhu is a place where land disappears and reappears in the course of history. 20 years ago, wetlands reappeared, turning the residents of Kouhu into one form of “climate refugees”. What visitors regard as beautiful scenery is in fact sorrow of the local residents. While nature gave the land a chance to recuperate, the people who were forced out of the land carry the memory of impoverished homeland forever.

06.24(五) 14:00


G.P. 的華麗與傾頹.jpg    

《G.P. 的華麗與傾頹》Photo & Copyright by G.P. Fieret

荷蘭 Netherlands / 2009 / 法蘭克.凡登恩格爾 Frank van den Engel / 50 min
他是個居無定所的老流浪漢,但40 年前,他是1960 年代知名的荷蘭攝影家G.P. Fieret,曾拍攝許多女性肖像作品,照片呈現出獨特的生命氛圍。現今,他的作品價格飛漲,但並未為他個人帶來任何的利益,他常在自己攝影作品上簽名的習慣,反而成為了某種諷刺的沉默象徵。透過攝影師唏噓的一生,窺見創作、藝術、商業間的複雜關係。 
With his highly personal, grainy women’s portraits, Gerard Petrus Fieret’s photographic work has a unique quality. His international breakthrough means prices for his work are rocketing, but Fieret himself didn’t actually reap any benefits.He died in 2009 at the age of 85. At the end of his life a major discovery is made: in the mole catcher’s cottage, negatives which were thought to have been lost are discovered.


《軍教男兒台灣軍士教導團的故事》Suspended Duty - Taiwan Military Training Regiment

台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 郭亮吟 Liang-yin Kuo / 46 min
1949 年,在國民政府建立台灣兵役制度之前,孫立人將軍號召成立台灣新軍。當時正是反共抗俄的年代,為了保衛大台灣,4000 多名熱血青年,被抽籤或志願參加「台灣軍士教導團」,在高雄接受軍事訓練,期待日後能擔任新軍幹部。但不久,新軍突然接到了「歸休」命令,要他們暫時「歸去休息」。誰知這一待命,卻過了50 多年都沒有退伍......
This film delivers the story of some 4,000 young Taiwanese men who enlisted for the army established by General Sun Lijen in 1949. Receiving a short period of basic military training, they were informed they could return home to wait for reentering active service. However, they have never been officially discharged up to this day…

06.25(六) 14:00

阿敏的樂章 Amin
加拿大,伊朗,南韓 Canada,Iran,South Korea / 2010 / 沙辛.帕哈米 Shahin Parhami / 120 min
This film follows the life of Amin, a young talented violinist who wants to cherish the traditional Qashqai music in southern Iran. This film will prove the notion, "music has no boundary.” The future of this ancient tradition lies in the hand of the young generation like Amin and the filmmaker.

遮蔽的天空 The Poisoned Sky
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 紀文章 Scott Chi / 93 min
是一場環境保衛戰,也是小蝦米與大鯨魚的搏鬥。1990年,台電公司在台中縣興建了全亞洲最大的「台中火力發電廠」;2005 年,又計畫在彰化縣的彰濱工業區闢建「彰工火力發電廠」。消息傳來,地方環保人士迅速組織「反彰火聯盟」,就此展開環境運動保衛戰。然而,長路迢迢,關卡重重,一小撮人的行動,能不能引起廣大冷漠結構的回應? 
In 1990, the Taiwan Power Company Ltd. constructed the biggest power plant in Asia in Taichung. In 2005, the Taiwan Power Company planned to construct another in Changhua County. This documentary centers on the environmentalists in Changhua who immediately organized the “Anti Changhua Power Plant Alliance”. Will their movements get any response from the public?


神豬 Divine Pig
荷蘭 Netherlands / 2010 / 漢斯.多曼 Hans Dortmans / 54 min
快2 歲大的多洛斯是頭聰明健康的豬,常隨主人外出散步,讓地方居民嘖嘖稱奇,深受小孩喜愛。但多洛斯的主人是位屠夫,靠賣豬肉維生,與多洛斯深厚的感情讓主人陷入兩難,健康的豬同時意味著肉脂鮮美可口?還是該送牠到可以終老一生的小豬天堂樂園呢?影片以幽默動人的節奏,透過多元的角度來觀看豬的命運。 
As Dorus matures into his second year his owner has to decide whether the love for the pig runs deeper than the love for its meat. Despite its worldwide popularity, many find the pig unclean. Divine Pig takes a closer look at this most controversial animal, challenging our feelings about the pig and Dorus’ fate.
07.08(五) 14:00

天線寶寶之停車暫借問 Teletubbies in Taipei:Workers Against Privatisation
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 郭明珠 Kuo Ming-chu / 59 min
2008 年台北市街頭出現了4 名天線寶寶,胸前掛著螢幕播放短片、發文宣,在幽默的頭套下,其實是4 個被惡意解雇的故事。他們原在台北市路邊停車格開單收費的市府員工,只求一份穩定的工作,烈日豪雨都要上工,但市府卻要將停車收費工作委外辦理。作為市民、城市的主人,我們只想問:給這些辛苦工作的人一份正職工作,何過之有! 
In 2008, on the streets of Taipei, four Teletubbies appeared. They had monitors on their chests, and they dispatched DMs. They were four of Taipei’s government employees who had been laid off. No matter how hot the day or how heavy the rains were, they worked hard in the parking lots just to have stable work. But then the government shifted the operating rights to outer companies. This is a film about their anger to politicians who did not keep their words.

07.08(五) 15:00

牽阮的手Hand in Hand
台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 顏蘭權、莊益增 Yen Lan-chuan, Juang Yi-tzeng / 165 min
《無米樂》導演的最新力作!這是一部涉及台灣戰後60年的愛情、歷史紀錄片。在保守的50 年代,還在讀高中的田孟淑與大她16 歲的田朝明醫師相戀私奔。他們因為愛情而結合,一起牽手走過時代的大風大浪,以及生命的喜怒哀樂。影片從生命史出發,呈現著大時代如何影響小人物,小人物如何堅持理想、堅持愛情,不改其志,從一而終。本次於雙年展的放映為165分鐘的完整版本,全國首次曝光!
What could the tough-looking Mrs. Tian Meng-shu fall prey to? Not the martial law, but love! This documentary focuses on the love story between Dr. Tian and Mrs. Tian. It begins with their romance and then describes how passionately Mrs. Tian takes care of her husband. This film shows a symphony of life’s bitterness and sweetness and its difficulties and simplicities.




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